Test of Dental Clinics Management

You are welcome!

You only need 5 minutes to answer the following questions that are grouped into 3 blocks.
This analysis will provide you with an overview of the clinic and possible areas for improvement.

We hope you find it useful.
1. Financial Area
This section describes important points of the management as revenues, expenses and taxes control.
Do you know which was your clinic benefit last year?
Do you know how the incomes changed past years?
Do you know what percentage each treatment represents in total turnover?
Do you know your expenses in detail?
Do you know the specific margin of each treatment?
Do you use complete financial information in the management of your Clinic?
Do you have free cash forecasts to plan your payments with ease?
Do you do a financial risks analysis in the short and long term?
Do you have an efficient tax planning?
Do you know which are the best way for financing your business?
2. Area Organization and Management Team
In this section we will review how do you manage and organize tasks and people who form the Clinic.
Are you sure you really control all areas of your business?
Do you have a clear and written definition of procedures, roles and responsibilities?
Do you elaborate internal audits to determine whether the procedures are met?
Do you control and value your team with objective indicators?
Do you realize daily petty cash control?
Are you doing tasks that correspond to your collaborators?
¿Tu equipo está motivado y alineado con los valores de la clínica?
Is your team is trained and oriented to patient care and to increase the number of treatments?
Are you encourage coordination and teamwork with concrete actions?
Do you apply a variable wage policy according to the performance of each worker?
3. Marketing and Sales area
This last point is exploring how you transmit the image of your clinic and the efficiency of the commercial actions.
Do you have a marketing plan adapted to your clinic strategy?
Do you know what people think about your clinic?
Match this image with the one you want transmit?
Do you know in detail all your competition?
Do you know how to differentiate and position yourself better?
Do you know what type of patients you have and what you really value?
Do you realize proactive actions to attract new patients?
Do you know how many first visits your clinic get each month by these actions?
Do you actively encourage your patients to recommend your clinic?
Do you do a commercial track of budgets your clinic makes?
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